
Eco Friendly Cotton Clothing Labels

Image Sustainable, natural cotton labels forfashion designers Britain's fashion industry is one of the most creative hotbeds of style and design in the world, and London Fashion Week has beauty and fashion editors from the biggest global publications descending en masse upon the city to find out which direction London designers are heading! The UK's clothing industry has always been synonymous with quality fabrics - ever since Manchester milled cotton and exported it to the furthest corners of the globe - as well as contemporary design and fantastic use of colour. The country's diversity, rich history and cultural freedom results in an incredible creative tradition that just keeps evolving. Today's primary trends include a rising interest in sustainability as a concept. This includes the use of organic cottons and other natural fabrics, ethical manufacture, artisan craftsmanship, recycling and multi-functiona

Woven Labels Lancaster

Image Fashion Week UK Woven Labels Lancaster Clothing labels for fashion and sustainability The fashion industry today is faced with a challenge: how to combine fashion and sustainability in a way that suits the modern shopper. While 'fast fashion' may appeal to the consumer's need for convenience and affordability, sustainable fashion is growing more popular by appealing to the consumer's conscience. Fashion writer Silvia Bombardini recently wrote for Not Just a Label that "we should wear our clothes twice and again with pride" [ ], a sentiment that we agree with. Where once it was fashionable to never be seen wearing the same item of clothing twice, it's now fashionable to buy, keep and wear clothes season after season. Charity shops and retro boutiques have never been so popular. The fashion world is being turned on it